Slovak Bioregenerative Medicine Association (SBRMA)

a member of the Slovak Medical Association


  • Concept, professional focus of activity, and goals of the association

    Medical field: integrative bioregenerative medicine

    Slovak Bioregenerative Medicine Association, a member of the Slovak Medical Association was established as the first professional association in Slovakia focusing on integrative medicine.

    More details


    The concept of the bioregenerative medicine reflects society-wide and urgent medical needs in the rapidly evolving knowledge society for diagnosing early stages...

    Professional focus

    Nutrition medicine - treatment of diseases with nutrition concept (super food, functional food) / Physical therapy, where bioregenerative medicine uses knowledge of applied biomechanics of skeleton...


    Continuing education of Slovak physicians by reputable scientific - researchers from university clinics and research institutes with scientific - teaching grades in...

  • The concept

    Primary prevention

    The concept of the bioregenerative medicine reflects society-wide and urgent medical needs in the rapidly evolving knowledge society for diagnosing early stages of depletion of compensation reserves of the organism and integration of the bioregenerative programs in the prevention of disease (primary prevention) for employees and businessmen with increased workload accompanied by a prolongation of working time, with permanent stress, lack of time for rest.

    Secondary prevention

    Bioregenerative medicine also integrates in the therapies of classical medicine with the aim to accelerate the healing process and to shorter sickness absence of the patients (secondary prevention).


    The concept is based on the criteria of today's democratic society, where health and long-term employability belong among the most important factor in economic existence of the individual in society.
  • Professional focus of activity

    Nutrition medicine
    - treatment of diseases with nutrition concept (super food, functional food)

    Physical therapy
    - where bioregenerative medicine uses knowledge of applied biomechanics of skeleton

    Psycho-somatic medicine and social therapy
    - body-mind medicine

    Electrical and virtual medicine
    - Bioelectromagnetic fields of human
    - - diagnostics and therapy
    - Pathological electromagnetic information fields in the environment
    - - effects on humans and the possibilities of their elimination

    Philosophical therapy
    - moral values
    - meaning of life
    - goals of human activities aimed at contribution to society
    - etic therapy.
  • Goals of the association

    1. Continuing education of Slovak physicians by reputable scientific - researchers from university clinics and research institutes with scientific - teaching grades in the new interdisciplinary progressively developing field of integrative medicine – the bioregenerative medicine.

    2. Presentation of the latest results in the clinical research in the field of bioregenerative medicine with the capabilities to integrate the bioregenerative medicine in the classical medicine - in the practice.

    3. Motivation of Slovak physicians to actively developing international scientific - research cooperation within the EU, the involvement of Slovak physicians in the international scientific - research and professional working- teams.

    4. Create a section for young scientists in the process of doctoral studies and to facilitate the presentation of the results of their research work.

    5. Appreciation and honour the work of Slovak and foreign scientists and researchers, researching in integrative medicine with Price giving ceremony at the annual international symposium, organized by SBRMA.
    5.1. Crystal Medal for Science and Research in bioregenerative and integrative medicine
    5.2. The Dr. Martin Kukučín Prize for the life work in the medical profession, for high expertise, professional and empathic approach to patients and development of bioregenerative medicine
    5.3. Acknowledgment to colleagues from non-medical interdisciplinary departments cooperating with SBRMA in the development of bioregenerative and integrative medicine.

    6. Publication and lectureactivities for physicians and the general public.

    7. International cooperation with clinical and research centres of integrative medicine.

    8. Exchange of practical experience and knowledge of physicians working in the private sector and providing alternative therapy, in joint seminars and symposia.
  • Cooperation

    SBRMA calls for the cooperation of experts from interdisciplinary fields which help solve partial project tasks falling within their competence by their scientific and research activities and support the development of integrative medicine and vice versa SBRMA helps colleagues in other scientific interdisciplinary fields to solve those parts which fall in the area bioregenerative integrative medicine.

    SBRMA also seeks by its concept and aim to influence and guide the scientific, research and practical activities of other disciplines that affect human health, in a way that their activities should be directed in maintaining the benefit of human health.

    1. Biotechnology and food technology, food biochemistry and toxicology
    2. Organic farming
    3. Environmental Ecology
    4. Electrical Engineering
    5. Applied medical physics and mathematics
    6. Mathematical Statistics
    7. Psychology, chronopsychology
  • History

    From begin till now

    Mrs. Ass. Prof. Jaroslava Wendlová, MD, PhD, initiated the establishment of the SBRMA in Bratislava in the year 2010.She developed the direction concept angoals for the SBRMA, and became the first president of the association.

    The activity of the company was approved by the Presidium of Slovak Medical Association on 1.1. 2011.

    The direction concept of the SBRMA is very innovative and progressive also in an international sense.

    The SBRMA has organized five international and scientific symposia on bioregenerative medicine in Bratislava with great success.

    The Committee consists of an international team of experts with years of clinical experience and expertise in clinical science and research in the field of integrative medicine.

    Committee members are members of international professional teams, organizations, association or institutes involved in the development of integrative medicine and are members of the editorial boards of scientific journals oriented to professional and scientific works in the field of integrative medicine.

    President of the SBRMA is a tutor of several doctoral students from Slovakia and abroad, which works on the research projects is in the field of integrative bioregenerative medicine.
  • The Statute of awards and honours in SBRMA

    In accordance with the applicable Statute of the Slovak Medical Association (SMkA) for the award of prizes and honours, SBRMA issued their own state awards and honours.

    a) supports the enhancing and deepening of the professional level, development of scientific and research work of its members in the field of bioregenerative integrative medicine
    b) acknowledges the generally recognized excellent results of long-term professional activity in practical medicine, publishing and lecture activities in bioregenerative medicine and contributions to the development of the SBRMA, in the way awarding their own prizes and honours.

    I. H O N O U R S: (Various species of honours are listed in order of hierarchy)
    A. Acknowledgment
    B. Medals (Crystal Medal for Science and Research)
    C. Honorary Membership of SBRMA Committee
    D. Honorary Membership of SBRMA

    II. Prices of SBRMA
    A. Dr. Martin Kukučín Price
    B. SBRMA Price for the best professional publication
    C. SBRMA Price for the best scientific lecture

    Honours of SBRMA:
    Honours and prices awards committee of SBRMA. Honours are awarded without financial reward. The diplomas are made in one copy and are signed by president and scientific secretary of SBRMA (diplomas for foreign colleagues are signed by president of SMkA). Diplomas of Honorary Membership of SBRMA are signed by the president of SMkA,and of SBRMA.
  • Crystal Medal for Science and Research

    Crystal Medal for Science and Research - Crystal medal is granted to members and also non-members of the SBRMA once a year on the occasion of the International Scientific and Educational Symposium of Bioregenerative Medicine, taking place in September in Bratislava, Slovakia. The award is given for the life work in the clinical science and research in the field of the bioregenerative medicine - an interdisciplinary field that is part of integrative medicine (nutrition therapy, applied biomechanics in kinesiotherapy, psycho-somatic social medicine, electrical engineering and energy medicine, philosophical therapy, ethic therapy).
  • Prices

    A. Dr. Martina Kukučín Price
    B. SBRMA Price for the best professional publication
    C. SBRMA Price for the best professional or scientific lecture.

    Dr. Martina Kukučín Price awards committee of SBRMA once a year on the occasion of the International Scientific and Educational Symposium of Bioregenerative Medicine. The award is given to physicians, who have become recognized experts in the Slovakia, for their life- work and results achieved in the exercise of the medical profession throughout his professional experience (30 years and longer) in clinical and practical medicine and for their high empathic approach to the patients.Dr. Martin Kukučín, real name Dr. Matej Bencúr (17. 5. 1860 - 21. 05. 1928), Slovak physician, novelist, playwright and journalist. He was the most important representative of Slovak literary realism, the founder of modern Slovak prose. He graduated successfully from Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague and performed medical practice at the clinics in Bratislava, Innsbruck and Vienna. He cannot found the workstation in Slovakia and therefore he searched opportunities abroad. Finally, he won the place of a doctor in the village of Selce on the Croatian island Brač. Along with medical ambulance hefounded also the pharmacy with natural pharmaceutics, made from plants and medicinal herbs growing on the island. IN prevention and treatment of diseases he recommended nutrition therapy, kinesiotherapy and spy therapy - sea baths. In the practice he connected the conventional medicine with alternative medicine. The role of a general practitioner on the island, where there was not a hospital,and the doctor was the only hope for patients, assumed Dr. Martin Kukučín as his lifelong mission and task and later rejected other good positions available on renowned university medical clinics. In 1908 he went to South America, Punta Arenas in Chile, where he continued to work as general practitioner in parts of the region, where medical care was not available and treated mainly poor citizens.

    SBRMA chose the name Dr. Martin Kukučín for the Dr. Martin Kukučin Price as a manifestation of his personality and merit as a symbol of selfless action in the field of practical medicine in the most demanding conditions (the island of Brac and Chile), as a symbol of providing the medical care to numerous poor patients, as a symbol of empathy to the patient and for the application of complementary and alternative medicine in the classical medicine.

    SBRMA Price for the best professional publication is awarded to members of SBRMA for authorship or co-authorship of a monographor other professional publications and articles published in the scientific journals in the previous calendar year.
    SBRMA Price for the best professional or scientific lecture is awarded to members of SBRMA for a lecture lectured in the previous calendar year on the International Scientific and Educational Symposium of Bioregenerative Medicine.

    Honours and prizes are awarded without financial reward. Honours and prizes of SMkA are awarding according to the SMkA statute, which is published on the website
  • Acknowledgment

    Acknowledgment is granted to members of the SBRMA for his long meritorious activities in the development of the integrative and bioregenerative medicine and also to colleagues from the interdisciplinary professions, who cooperated with SBRMA and contributed to the research in the bioregenerative medicine.

  • Honorary Membership of SBRMA Committee

    Honorary Membership of SBRMA Committee is granted mainly to a long- time members of the SBRMA for significant contributions to the creation and development of SBRMA to a specific limited period.

    Honorary Membership of SBRMA

    Honorary membership of SBRMA is granted after approval by the Presidium of SMkA to:

    1. members of SBRMA for extraordinary deserts in building and development of SBRMA, particularly in organisational support of professional, and educational activities

    2. other physical and legal persons for their long-term contribution to the development of bioregenerative medicine, mutual cooperation and good partnership contacts. Individuals are awarded usually at the life jubilee above 60years of age.
  • Commitee SBRMA

    President of SBRMA
    Doc. MUDr. Jaroslava Wendlová, PhD.

    Scientific and professional management of the association, scientific and professional guarantor of SBRMA

    Scientific secretary
    Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Med. Wolfgang Marktl, PhD.,

    Scientific and professional management of the association

    Vice president
    Senator MR DDr. Hannes SCHOBERWALTER

    Executive professional medical manager

    Consul Mgr. Michael Häckel, MBA
    Domestic and foreign marketing communication, relations with the professional public in the field of integrative and bioregenerative medicine.


    Board of Supervisors:
    1. Doc. MUDr. Katarína Šebeková, DrSc.
    2. Univ. Dr. Med. Gabrielle Dienhardt Schneider
  • Doc. MUDr. Jaroslava Wendlová, PhD.

    President of SBRMA

    Jaroslava Wendlová skončila Lekársku fakultu Univerzity J.A. Komenského v Bratislave. Pôsobila ako odborná asistentka na Klinike Geriatrie LFUK a I. Internej klinike LFUK v Bratislave. Študijný pobyt absolvovala na univerzitných klinikách v Prahe, Moskve, Viedni, Bad Pyrmonte, Hannoveri, Ulme. Získala vedeckú hodnosť kandidáta vied v ČR a docenta v SR. Společnost pro metabolické onemocnení skeletu České lékařske společnosti J.E. Purkyně v Prahe jej 3 - krát udelila prvú cenu za najlepšiu vedeckú prácu z osteológie publikovanú v rokoch 1999, 2006 a 2007. V roku 2009 jej sanofi – aventis s.r.o. udelila Čestné uznanie za 7 originálnych, nezávislých publikácii z oblasti osteológie.

    S úspechom (cum lauda) ukončila medzinárodný Certifikovaný kurz z kostnej denzitometrie International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) v Rakúsku, diplomované postgraduálne štúdium integratívnej medicíny v Nemecku a Rakúsku, diplomované štúdium medicíny výživy v Rakúsku, diplomované štúdium psychosomatosociálnej medicíny v Rakúsku, diplomované štúdium urgentnej medicíny v Rakúsku, Certifikované postgraduálne štúdium aplikovanej biomechaniky muskuloskeletálneho systému na Technickej Univerzite v Ulme, Nemecko, diplomované štúdium regulačnej analýzy v chronopsychológii na Inštitúte chronopsychológie, Sigmund Freud Univerzity vo Viedni.

    Členstvo v redakčných radách vedeckých časopisov získané konkurzným konaním:
    1. Emergency Medicine (DOVE Medical Press, New Zealand)
    2. Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel (Austria)
    3. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift (Austria)
    4. Journal of Integrative Nephrology and Andrology (JINA, Shanghai, China)
    5. zastupujúca editorka Public Health (BioMed Central, England)
    6. recenzentka vedeckých prác prihlásených na medzinárodné vedecké konferencie organizované WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), Anglicko

    Hosťujúca editorka (šéfredaktorka) vo vedeckých časopisoch (Guest editor):
    1. Monotematické číslo: Osteology: Basic and Clinical Aspects, 2007, vol 157, č.23/24, pre Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift, Rakúsko.
    2. Monotematické číslo: Applied biomechanics in Osteology 2011, vol 161, 19 – 20, pre Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift, Rakúsko.
    3. Monotematické číslo: Electrotechnical and virtual medicine in progress, prer Current Signal Transduction Therapy, Bentham Science Publishers, USA, 2015 in production.

    Zodpovedná riešiteľka, spoluriešiteľka výskumných projektov, tvorca idei a postupov riešenia výskumných projektov
    1. Zodpovedná riešiteľka : Jednoročné farmakologicko - epidemiologické celoslovenské multicentrické sledovanie účinnosti a bezpečnosti prípravku Calciton 200 I.U. nasálny spray v ambulantnej praxi (Poskytovateľ grantu: Slovakofarma, Hlohovec)
    2. Tvorca idei a postupov riešenia výskumného projektu: Stratégia vyhľadávania pacientov s ochorením Morbus Paget na Slovensku (Poskytovateľ grantu: Novartis)
    3. Spoluriešiteľka: Stratégia rozvoja znalostnej ekonomiky a spoločnosti do roku 2015 – spoluriešiteľka za oblasť týkajúcu sa rizika výskytu ochorení spojených s rozvojom znalostnej spoločnosti s návrhom na ich riešenie v prevencii a liečbe. (Projektová úloha z požiadavky uznesenia vlády SR č. 906 z 25.októbra 2006, gestor – Ekonomický ústav SAV)
    4. Menovaná Vedeckou radou Ministerstva zdravotníctva SR za rezort zdravotníctva ako riešiteľka za SR do medzinárodného projektu Joint Programming in Research v rámci témy Health, Food and the Prevention of Diet related Diseases, koordinovaného z Ministry of Economic Affairs v Haagu, Holandsko, Členka medzinárodného riadiaceho výboru - Member of the International Management Board of Joint Programming Initiative A healthy diet for a healthy life (JPI HDHL), Haag, Holandsko.

    Publikácie: 66 vedeckých prác ako prvý autor, je samostatnou autorkou troch monografií: Osteoporóza. Pohybová liečba (Bratislava, 2008), Biomechanical variables in bone densitometry, (Bratislava 2010), Biomechanical variables in assessment of fracture risk (New York, ,2012), 1 kapitola o príčinách vzniku depresie u osteoporotických pacientok po zlomeninách stavcov vo vedeckej knihe Women and Depression (New York, 2009), 8 kapitol vo vedeckej knihe Osteoporosis: Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment (New York, 2009), 1 kapitola vo vedeckej knihe Overweightness and Walking (New York, 2010), 1 kapitola vo vedeckej knihe Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants (India, 2014). Svojimi 17 úspešnými odbornými brožúrami sa od roku 1998 podieľa na kontinuálnom vzdelávaní osteoporotického pacienta na Slovensku. Citácie: 247 takmer len v zahraničnej literatúre.

    V roku 2010 vytvorila originálnu koncepciu zamerania a cieľov bioregeneračnej medicíny a iniciovala založenie Slovenskej spoločnosti pre bioregeneračnú medicínu. V súčasnosti pôsobí v zahraničí v odbore integratívnej medicíny, bioregeneračnej medicíny a aplikovanej biomechaniky v muskuloskeletálnej medicíne.

    Je školiteľkou doktorandov na FZaSP TU v Trnave a na STU v Bratislave.

    Bronzová medaila SLS (2009) za rozvoj interdisciplinárneho odboru Aplikovanej biomechaniky v muskuloskeletálnej medicíne

    Strieborná medaila SLS (2011) za rozvoj interdisciplinárneho odboru Bioregeneračnej medicíny, za vytvorenie koncepcie činnosti, organizačnej štruktúry a iniciáciu založenia Slovenskej spoločnosti pre bioregeneračnú medicínu a jej integráciu do medzinárodného programu JPI HDHL (Joint programming initiative a healthy diet for healthy life).

    Kryštálová medaila SSBRM (2014) za vedeckovýskumnú činnosť v oblasti bioregneračnej integratívnej medicíny.

    Ďakovné listy
    1. Ďakovný list Slovenskej gerontologickej a geriatrickej spoločnosti za prednášku na IV. Slovenskom geriatrickom kongrese s medzinárodnou účasťou v Tatranskej Lomnici 2005.
    2. Ďakovný list Odbornej spoločnosti pre FBLR za prednášku na XI. Jesennej rehabilitačnej konferencii s medzinárodnou účasťou v Nových Zámkoch 2005.
    3. Ďakovný list Spoločnosti pre osteoporózu a metabolické ochorenia kostí za prednášku na 11. Kongrese slovenských a českých osteólogov v Piešťanoch 2008.
    4. Ďakovný list Slovenskej lekárskej spoločnosti 2010 za publikované vedecké monografie:
    4.1. Osteoporóza. Aplikovaná biomechanika v kinesioterapii (2008)
    4.2. Biomechanical variables in assesment of fracture risk (2010)
    4.3. Desať kapitol vo vedeckých knihách publikovaných v USA, Nova Science Publishers (2008, 2010).
    5. Ďakovný list spoločnosti Gedeon Richter Slovakia 2010 za organizovanie nezávislých vedeckých medzinárodných edukačných sympózií z klinickej osteológie a za originálnu nezávislú prednášku Do men and women fracture in the femoral neck area by fall at the same BMD value? Prednesenú na 4. Medzináronodm vedeckom a edukačnom osteologickom sympóziu a na 1. Sympóziu aplikovanej biomechanik v muskuloskeletálnej medicíne na Slovensku.

    Na základe publikovania originálnych vedeckých prác s problematikou, ktorá ešte nebola publikovaná vo svetovej literatúre bola navrhnutá a vybraná do ročenky Who is who in the world 2010?

    Verejná vedecká a odborná činnosť
    Organizátorka, prezidentka, odborný a vedecký garant 9 Medzinárodných vedeckých a edukačných sympóziách s problematikou osteológie a bioregeneračnej medicíny 2007 až 2014 v Bratislave, 2008 aj v Košiciach.

    Znalosť jazykov: aktívne anglicky, nemecky, rusky.
  • Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Med. Wolfgang Marktl, PhD.,

    Scientific secretary

    Country: Austria

    Birth Date 14.4.1944 at Waiern/Austria
    Study of medicine in Innsbruck and Vienna from 1962 to 1968
    Graduation as medical doctor June 1968
    From 1982 to 2009 member of the medical faculty of the university of Vienna or medical university of Vienna respectively, most of this time as physiologist on the physiological department.
    Appointment as university lecturer (Univ. Dozent) at January 1983
    Designation as Ao. Univ. Prof. in the year 1994
    Head of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institut zur Erforschung physiologischer Rhythmen” located in Bad Tatzmannsdorf/Austria from 1986 to 2011.
    President of the Wiener Internationale Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin” since 2003.
    Scientific fields: Nutrional physiology, Metabolism, Balneology, Medical climatology, Chronobiology, Integrative medicine.
    320 scientific publications.
  • Senator MR DDr. Hannes SCHOBERWALTER

    Vice president

    Gründer und Präsident von EULEAD – European Club for Excellence in Leadership and Management. Leiter des Referats für Internationale Traditionelle Medizin, Prävention und komplementäre Krebsbehandlungen der Ärztekammer für Wien. Mitglied des Referats für Komplementäre Medizin der Österreichischen Ärztekammer. Mitgründer und Vizepräsident des Stift Geras Kompetenzzentrums für Traditionelle Medizin und Salutogenese. Vizepräsident der Slowakischen Medizinischen Gesellschaft für Bioregenerative Medizin. Mitglied der Royal Society of Medicine London. Stv. Chefarzt der Landesstelle Wien der Pensionsversicherungsanstalt. Allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger. Unternehmensberater mit Schwerpunkt Unternehmensstrategie, Personalmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung. Lektor an der Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften und an der Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Wien. Verfasser diverser Publikationen und Beiträge sowie Buchautor (Dynamische Faszien, Springer-Verlag 2017). Freier Journalist mit Publikationen in den Themenbereichen Medizin, Kosmetik, Ethik, Management und Führung. Mitglied des Österreichischen Journalisten Clubs (ÖJC) und der United Nations Correpondents Accociation Vienna (UNCAV).

    since 2022 Head of the Department for International Traditional Medicine, Prevention and Complementary Cancer Treatments of the Vienna Medical Association

    Member of the Department for Complementary Medicine of the Austrian Medical Association

    Cooperation agreement between EULEAD and the HongAi Institute

    since 2021 Consultant for Strategic Management and International Business Development in an honorary capacity of the expert team of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Panama for Bavaria with responsibility for Traditional Medicine and Salutogenesis as well as international contacts and business development

    Co-Founder and Vice-President of the Stift Geras Competence Center for Traditional Medicine and Salutogenesis

    Vice-President of the Slovak Medical Association for Bioregenerative Medicine

    Cooperation agreement between EULEAD – European Club of Excellence in Leadership and Management and the Karl Landsteiner Private University for the certification course Ethical Management in Health Care

    since 2019 Lecturer at the Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna

    2018 2. Doctorate to Dr. scient. med. with Magna cum Laude

    Award of the Dr. Martin Kukucin Prize by the Slovak Medical Association for Bioregenerative Medicine

    since 2016 Founder and by 2020 until 2021 Head of the Karl Landsteiner Institute for Traditional Medicine and Saluogenesis

    Founder of EULEAD – European Club for Excellence in Leadership and Management and EULEAD President by 2020

    Member of the Ethics Advisory Board of the SENATE of the ECONOMY AUSTRIA

    Member of the Austrian Society for Foreign Policy and the United Nations (ÖGAVN)

    since 2015 Management consultant for corporate strategy, human resources management and organizational development

    Scientific member of the working group Compliance in Healthcare” in the Karl Landsteiner Society

    Author of various publications and articles as well as author of books (Dynamic Fascia, Springer-Publisher House 2017)

    since 2014 Senator und Head of the European Health Policy Forum at the SENAT of the ECONOMY AUSTRIA, Global Economic Network

    Head of the Unit for Complementary and Traditional Medicine” of the Medical Association for Vienna

    since 2013 Member of the Executive Board and from 2015 until 2019 Vice President of GAMED

    Scientific Member of the Royal Society of Medicine London

    Second Doctoral studies in Medical Science (Private University at the Principality of Liechtenstein)

    since 2011 Freelance journalist with publications in the fields of medicine, cosmetics, ethics, management and leadership

    Member of the Austrian Journalists Club (ÖJC) und der UNITED NATIONS CORRESPONDENTS ASSOCIATION VIENNA (UNCAV)

    since 2010 Generally sworn and court-certified expert for general medicine

    since 2005 Commercial Law Managing Director for the Cosmetics and Footcare Business in the family holding Dr. Schoberwalter & Schoberwalter OG

    since 2003 Deputy Chief Physician of the Pension Insurance Institution in Vienna

    1999 ÖÄK- Diploma in Occupational Medicine – Training to become a laser protection officer

    1995 ÖÄK-Diploma in Neuraltherapy

    1992 Ius practicandi

    1987 1. Doctorate to univ.

    In addition, there is a wide range of specific knowledge and competencies in the fields of ethics and value-oriented leadership, management and organization, which is reflected in the fulfilment of leadership responsibilities, management consulting as well as in futureoriented project development.

    The range of professional activities is expanded by the active participation in innovative ideas for the social and health system as well as scientific advice in the areas of wellness and health, the management, co-design and organisation of a wide range of projects in the fields of science and research.


    As a successful manager, I want to be recognizable as an honest and exemplary leader.

    For me, this is characterized by values such as responsibility and honesty, truthfulness and credibility, respect and reliability. I see it as a task to develop great visions and desirable goals.

    I have the power of persuasion and enthusiasm to ignite ideas in people.

    The power to endure crises and emerge stronger from dealing with them has proven itself for me.

    It is important to me to share successes with others and to pass on knowledge, to create creative impulses and to contribute to a constructive development of personality and knowledge potential. Despite the hustle and bustle of modern business life, I am able to bring inner peace to my surroundings through serenity and empathy.

    Personal Competences• A sense of responsibility

    • Reliability

    • Self-discipline

    • Integrity

    • An open mind

    • Promoting intercultural dialogue

    • Building bridges in the field of valued leadership and traditional medicine

    • International Business Development

    • Truthfulness

    • Motivation

    • Determination

    • Initiative and commitment

    • Criticism

    • Traditional Value orientation

    Leadership Skills

    • Empathy

    • Solution-oriented thinking

    • Abstract and networked thinking

    • Rhetoric

    • Analytical ability

    • Credibility

    • Planning ability

    • Solution orientation

    • Decision-making

    • Enforcement

    • Assertiveness

    • Employee motivation• Respectful and appreciative leadership behavior

    • Determinacy

    • Appreciation

    Guiding Principles

    Spiritus Sapientiae Ducit – Ut Unum Sint Stand at the head to serve, not to rule!
  • Consul Mgr. Michael Häckel, MBA

    Executive professional medical manager

    Country: Germany

    Education:Bavarian Faculty of Economics Management, Munich (D), completed education 1988,

    Specialization: management economics in healthcare and spa medicine

    Functions and positions:
    1. Board member German Medical Spa Association.
    2. Business management, health management and tourism
    3. Managing Director and Owner of the Häckel Group
    4. Managing Director of Häckel Reisen GmbH.
    5. Managing Director of R&E Häckel GmbH (DMZ).
    6. Senior Consultant at NewsWorkPresseagentur AG.
    7. Managing Director of BIIG Wheel GmbH.
    8. Managing Director and Founding Member of HTS Consulting
    9. Honorary Consul of the Republic of Panama in Bavaria.
  • Application

    For a regular (individual) membership of the Slovak Medical Association (SMA) you can download here in paper form by click here, fill in and sign first three pages by instruction on last page
  • Symposia - Invitations with program


    the symposium did not take place (for the president's stay abroad)


    symposium did not take place (pandemic COVID 19)


    symposium did not take place (pandemic COVID 19)

    Aktivity iných spoločností v oblasti integratívnej medicíny

  • Chronology of awards


    Kryštálová medaila za vedu a výskum

    1. Prof. MUDr. PhDr. Peter Fedor-Freybergh, PhD., Dr.h.c. mult. (SR)
    - za celoživotné dielo v klinickej vede a výskume v oblasti prenatálnej a perinatálnej psychosomatickej medicíne

    2. Doc. MUDr. Katarína Šebeková, DrSc. (SR)
    - za celoživotné dielo vo vede a výskume v oblasti skúmania vplyvu bioregeneračných intervenčných a terapeutických procesov na spomalenie rozvoja ochorení alebo ich liečbu na zvieracích modeloch ochorení

    3. Prof. Dr. Med. Peter Pietschmann, PhD. (Rakúsko)
    - za celoživotné dielo v základnom výskume bunkových kultúr v oblasti patofyziológie a bioregenerácie kostných buniek

    4. Doc. MUDr. Jaroslava Wendlová, PhD. (SR)
    - za celoživotné dielo v klinickej vede a výskume v oblasti aplikovanej biomechaniky v bioregenerácii pohybového aparátu

    5. MMag. Peter Hauschild (Rakúsko)
    - za celoživotné dielo v klinickej chronopsychológii

    Ďakovný list

    Doc. RNDr. Štefan Varga, CSc. (SR)
    - za podporu rozvoja klinickej vedeckej a výskumnej činnosti v integratívnej a bioregeneračnej medicíne v oblasti matematickej štatistiky.

    Cena Dr. Martina Kukučína

    Primaria Univ. Dr. Med. Gabrielle Dienhart - Schneider
    - za celoživotné dielo výkonu lekárskeho povolanie (30 rokov a dlhšie) v oblasti klinickej a praktickej medicíny, za vysokú odbornosť a empatický prístup k pacientom.


    Kryštálová medaila za vedu a výskum

    1. Univ. Prof. Dr. Med. Prim. Gebhard Rieger, PhD. (Rakúsko)
    - za celoživotné dielo v klinickej vede a výskume v oblasti integratívnej oftalmológie aplikovanej vo fyziatrii, balneológii a liečebnej rehabilitácii

    2. MR. Dr. Med. Walter Loos (Rakúsko)
    - za celoživotné dielo v klinickej vede a výskume v oblasti bioregeneračnej medicíny aplikovanej vo fyziatrii, balneológii a liečebnej rehabilitácii

    3. Univ. Prof. Dr. Med. Wolfgang Marktl, PhD. (Rakúsko)- za celoživotné dielo v klinickej vede a výskume v oblasti fyziológie bioregenerácie organizmu aplikovanej vo fyziatrii, balneológii a liečebnej rehabilitácii

    Ďakovný list

    Dipl. Ing. Vladimír Synek, CSc. (SR)
    - za podporu koncepcie bioregenerančej medicíny v oblasti riadiacich modelov manažmentu sociálnych systémov orientovaných na fyziologickú pracovnú záťaž, motiváciu a správanie zamestnancov.


    Cena Dr. Martina Kukučína

    - za celoživotné dielo výkonu lekárskeho povolanie (30 rokov a dlhšie) v oblasti klinickej a praktickej medicíny, za vysokú odbornosť a empatický prístup k pacientom.
    1. MUDr. Blažena Brozmanová, CSc. (SR)
    2. Doc. MUDr. Rudolf Kotula, CSc. (SR)
    3. Dr. Med. Ewald Töth (Rakúsko)
    4. Doc. Dr.Med. Thomas Rampp, PhD. (Nemecko)
    5. MUDr. Jana Šúrová (SR)
    6. Primárka MUDr. Milada Gulanová, CSc. (SR)


    Ďakovný list

    1. Dr. Med. Ewald Töth (Rakúsko)
    - za odbornú a vedeckú činnosť v oblasti alternatívnej a komplementárnej medicíny

    2. Prof. Dr. Med. Peter Pietschmann, PhD. (Rakúsko)
    - za kontinuálnu edukáciu slovenských lekárov v oblasti experimentálnej a klinickej osteológie na 5 vedeckých a edukačných sympóziách v Bratislave

    Strieborná medaila SLS

    Doc. MUDr. Jaroslava Wendlová, PhD. (SR)

    Medaila založenia Společnosti lékařsko-slowanskej v Pešti, SLS
    Doc. RNDr. Matej Daniel, PhD. (ČR)
    - za rozvoj vedy a výskumu interdisciplinárneho odboru aplikovanej biomechaniky v ochoreniach muskuloskeletálneho systému.
  • Výbor SSBRM


    Sympózium 2011


    Sympózium 2012


    Sympózium 2013


    Sympózium 2014


    Sympózium 2015


    Sympózium 2016


    Ocenenia 2011
    Ďakovný list


    Ocenenia 2012

    Udeľovanie Ceny Dr. Martina Kukučína - za celoživotné dielo výkonu lekárskeho povolanie (30 rokov a dlhšie) v oblasti klinickej a praktickej medicíny, za vysokú odbornosť a empatický prístup k pacientom.

    Ocenenia 2013
    Kryštálová medaila + Ďakovný list


    Ocenenia 2014 - odovzdávanie kryšt. medaile za vedu a výskum

  • Contact information

    Slovak Bioregenerative Medicine Association (SBMA)
    a member of Slovak Medical Association

    Cukrová 3, 813 22 Bratislava

    President of SBMA: Doc. MUDr. Jaroslava Wendlová, PhD.
    Phone: 004212/55574823

    Where we are

    Write us

  • Výživa (Nutrológia)

  • Fytoterapia

  • Transdermálne naturálne liečivé prípravky

  • Liečivé a nutrične hodnotné potraviny (superfood)

    Írsky mach

  • Potravinové doplnky

  • Prírodné pitné minerálne vody

    Baldovská minerálna voda

  • Progresívne a ekologické hospodárstvo

    A2 mlieko

  • Pohybová liečba, pomôcky na cvičenie

  • Rehabilitačné pomôcky

  • Medicínske terapeutické prístroje

  • Medicínske diagnostické prístroje

  • Psychohygiena

  • Psychológia

  • Psychiatria

  • Vedecká a odborná literatúra pre lekárov

  • Odborná literatúra pre pacientov

  • Mikroimunoterapia


  • Mikrobion


  • Funkčná svalová diagnostika

